
With passion and heart.

As a medium-sized, healthy company, we take our social responsibility seriously and are directly involved locally. With passion and heart, we want to give something back here in the region, not only as an employer, but also in the areas of volunteering and sport. That is why we have deliberately chosen two projects that we support consistently and over the long term.

We bring entrepreneurship, volunteering and sport together and always look to the future. With our passion for the region, we focus our commitment on two projects that are close to our hearts, with which we can primarily promote and support children and young people in the long term.

A matter of the heart

Child Protection Association Lage e.V.

In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the German Child Protection Association (DKSB) is committed to the rights of all children and young people in Germany – with the aim of creating a child-friendly society in which the mental, psychological, social and physical development of children and young people is promoted. This means a concrete commitment to the implementation of children’s rights and their inclusion in the Basic Law, to the protection of children and young people against violence of any kind, against child poverty and for the support of parents.

“Children should be able to grow up in the best possible conditions!”

With over 120 members, 35 full-time employees and freelancers as well as numerous volunteers, the Lage local association is committed to the basic rights and interests of children and young people in our area. It runs three facilities so that over 125 children aged between a few months and around 13 years can be looked after and cared for every day – including meals, homework supervision, playgroups and much more. The “youth room” on Lemgoer Straße also offers open youth work and welcomes all young people aged 14 and over.

For the local association, donations are an essential pillar of funding in order to maintain, adapt and expand the services for children and young people in the long term. We are now involved and are delighted to be able to continue our support for this valuable voluntary commitment to greater integration, equal opportunities and a carefree life for children and young people here in the future.
