Application process at the mw1group

From the online application to the first meeting:
You should definitely know this!

“How should I apply and what documents should I send with my application?” We have compiled the most important information for you here so that no questions remain unanswered.Please simply use our online application form or send an e-mail with the following documents directly to

Curriculum vitae

Give us an overview of your educational/professional background and list your knowledge, skills and experience that are particularly relevant to the position in question.


To support your CV, we are always happy to see relevant references and/or certificates.

Letter of motivation

Your letter of motivation shows us why you would like to work at mw1group and why you are a good fit for us. Briefly summarize what you have done so far and how you would like to contribute your skills to us.

As soon as we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt. We will then get in touch with you personally.

Contact person

Get out of the hamster wheel

Juliane Römer
Prokuristin / Head of Finance & HR